Chaplains Associates, Inc. 
Caring for People in the Workplace

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Our Services:

Services that Chaplains Associates, Inc. can provide include:

  • Duly ordained and trained workplace chaplains to conduct all employee assistance services.
  • Initial supervisory training sessions to present the chaplaincy and its utility as a management tool to all levels of supervision.
  • Employee orientation sessions with each employee.
  • Sufficient brochures for employee orientations.
  • Problem assessment, treatment planning and short term counseling sessions for all eligible employees and their dependents (collectively clients). Such sessions will be held at the employer’s facilities.
  • Referral services for clients requiring specialized, adjunctive, or long-term interventions.
  • Case consultations with individual employer representatives regarding specific supervisory referral activities.
  • Provide 24-hour, 365-day-a-year chaplain emergency on-call availability for crisis intervention.
  • Regular reports on the utilization of the employee assistance services as requested.
  • Serve as the workplace chaplain and pastoral counselor for all employees and immediate family members.
  • Develop relationships and maintain contact with all personnel through regular work-site visits to the company. Additional contact with personnel will be by telephone communications, attendance at employee meetings (when requested by management), memos on employee bulletin boards, or other means established by management.
  • Provide pastoral counseling help for problem issues, including, but not limited to, marriage, divorce, remarriage, serious illness, death and dying, childbearing, and other personal issues.
  • Make hospital visits to all employees and family members, as well as home visits to employees and family members with serious and/or long-term illnesses.
  • Perform funerals, including assistance with grief management and planning the funeral service. Support for family members is provided after the funeral.
  • Draft “Letters of Concern” and “Letters of Congratulations/Appreciation” to employees and family members for signature of the company president, CEO, or other designated executive leadership.
  • Design a professional referral service and act as the coordinator for other specialized types of assistance to employees and/or family members with long-term needs (i.e. spousal abuse, incest, etc.)
  • Coordinate assistance for individuals with drug dependency and/or psychiatric problems through outpatient hospitalized care with an outside provider as a joint service of Chaplains Associates, Inc.
  • Serve as a member of the “Death Notification Team” of the company for any employee killed in a job-related accident or who died of natural causes while on the job.
  • Write articles of interest or assistance for company publications.
  • Serve as consultant to the company on all matters of religion, morals, ethics and morale as they impact individuals in the workforce and the company as a whole.
  • Speak for in-house events (religious or secular meetings, employee gatherings, etc.) when an inspirational speaker is desired by management.
  • Provide self-improvement materials (books, pamphlets, booklets, tracts, and audio/video tapes) for employees and family members to help teach principles for successful and happy living.
  • Send birthday and anniversary cards to all employees of the client company.
  • Provide spiritual enrichment activities as requested by the company, with voluntary attendance, including devotionals, Bible studies, and special seasonal services. When requested and with employee support, these activities are usually begun six months to a year after initiating the services of Chaplains Associates, Inc.
  • Represent the company to clients/customers where it would be appropriate to have the company chaplain involved (i.e. serious illness, accidents, funerals) if desired.
  • Other duties as assigned by the company president/CEO, within the scope of the above listed services.


Values of Corporate Chaplaincy

  • Corporate chaplaincy is people-focused.  That makes businesses stronger.
  • Corporate chaplains care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of employees.  That results in impacting people.  The company benefits with a more productive workforce.
  • There are issues that impact any business (such as quality, productivity, morale, work-place injuries). One employee’s personal issues can waste 30% productivity of six other employees. Corporate chaplains are able to provide assistance to employees as they deal with their problems. This spiritual care can aid in productivity and increased morale.
  • Retention is a concern for employers.  Chaplaincy is a means for the management to express value and care for their employees.  Chaplaincy has been recognized in some companies as one of the reasons people want to continue to be a part of that particular company.
  • Corporate chaplaincy can serve as a gate keeper in promoting the vision, corporate objectives, mission and values of a company.
  • As corporate chaplains care for the needs of employees they are an extension of the care of the owners and management.  Employees will know that the chaplain represents a spiritual dimension and that the company is providing that service for them.
  • Through the care and counseling of a corporate chaplain, managers and supervisors are allowed to spend more time on business issues and not the personal problems of those they supervise.
  • Corporate chaplains often partner with Human Resources in its care of employees.  The chaplain is often able to use “preventive’” strategy in ministry.  By giving attention to an employee’s issues early on, it can reduce the ‘crisis’ event from ever occurring.
  • The Corporate chaplain is a source of referral for employees.  The chaplain has access to referrals in the community to assist with spiritual, emotional, financial, and other special needs. This need can often be met and resolved in a confidential manner without the need for Human Resources to be involved.
  • Corporate chaplains are able to enhance employees in the area of Leadership. The chaplain is able to conduct orientation sessions, lunch and learn sessions and leadership enhancement at the request of management.
  • Corporate chaplains are able to locate and direct a resolution between employee conflicts.
  • One end result of a company providing a corporate chaplain will be a workplace that has less stress, and improved employee attitudes.

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